During youth or at some spiritual moment in our adult life we may question do angels exist?

Maybe as a child we heard angels mentioned in nativity plays or as adults during difficult times we may often contemplate the possibility that a guardian angel had watched over us

Whatever our intake on the existance our beliefs are what see us through in life. We may know someone whom whole heartedly believes in them yet we are a total sceptic, thats ok! atleast you are here and willing to see through the eyes and beliefs of others that angels exist

Nine Ranks of Angelic Beings

In heaven there are many ranks (or choirs) of angelic beings, and various sources have compiled their own hierarchies of angels. The Old Testament refers to princes, sons of God, holy ones,watchers, Angels, Archangels, Seraphim and Cherubim. St Paul writes in the New Testament of principalities, thrones, might and dominations and powers, while Pope St Gregory I (c.540-604 CE) stated that there were nine ranks of angels in Heaven - the five from St Paul's list, as well as Angels, Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim. Read more to help you decide do angels exist and how they can really help you

The seventh heaven

Araboth ("the clouds" in Psalms 68:5) is ruled over by Cassiel, the angel of solitude and tears, and one of the angels that rules over Saturn. It is the abode of God, the Throne and the absolute Holy of Holies. The hightest orders of angels, Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones, dwell here and it is the home of the blessed spirits and unborn souls. Read more to help you decide do angels exist and how they can really help you.

If Angels do Exist how can they help me?

If after reading this blog you have come to the conclusion that angels do exist but you think fair enough what now? well that is up to you. As you will read in my past articles you have to be able to channel the energy and allow angels to help you. Here is one of my past articles from march then helps you to discover how angels channel themselves and give you signs

The sixth heaven

Makon (the "habitation" in Psalms 89:14, 97:2), ruled by Zachiel, is where the Akashic records are stored. These record all the happenings on Earth, including the deeds of every individual who has ever lived on Earth as well as their punishment or reward (karma) Read more to help you decide do angels exist and how they can really help you.

The fifth heaven

Machon ( the "dwelling" in Deuteronomy 26:15), ruled by Archangel Sandalphon, is where vast choirs of angels sing God's praises by night and God's chosen people sing his praises by day. Some of the fallen angels are also held here.
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to help you decide do angels exist and how they can really help you.

The fourth heaven

Zebhul (the "lofty place" in Isaiah 63:15) is ruled over by Archangel Michael. It is where the "heavenly Jerusalem" is located - the Altar and Temple of God. The "City of Christ" from St Paul's apocalyptic vision is a city of gold with 12 walls encircling it, and 12 walls within these, punctured by 12 gates of great beauty. The city is encircled by four rivers - of honey,milk, wine and oil. Read more to help you decide do angels exist and how they can really help you.

Do angels exist?

The word "Angel" comes from the Greek word "angelos" and the Hebrew word "Malak". These mean messenger. If you are a regular subscriber to my blog you will learn that angels do exist and they take on many forms and have many duties. Before you read this blog maybe your conception of angels were white glowing creatures with big wings, a some what fairy tale presence, i truly hope that you are enjoying this blog and that your knowledge of angels and understanding of them is growing as you read on.

The third heaven

Shechakim or Shehaqim (meaning the "skies" in Psalms 18:11), is a strange heaven, as hell is found in its northern region. A river of flame flows through the icy land and it is here that the angels punish wicked. The angel Anahel rules over this domain with Jagniel, Rabacyle and Dalquiel, the three Sarim (Hebew for "princess"), an angelic order of "singing angels". In the southern half lies a paradise; this celestial garden has a gate of gold (the famous "pearly gates") through which all perfected souls pass at death. Two rivers flow through it: the river ofmilk and honey and the river of oil and wine. Read more
to help you decide if angels do exsist

The second heaven

Considered by some to be the holding place for sinners awaiting the Day of Judgement, the second heaven is called Raqia (meaning "expanse" in Genesis 1:6 1:14 1:17). Zodiac angels rule over this sphere and fallen angels are held prisoner in this heaven. Raqia is the dwelling place of John the Baptist in Islamic tradition and this heaven is ruled over by Archangel Raphael and Zachariel. Read more to help you decide if angels exist.