Sometime angels manifest their pressence in ways that anyone can see. You can ask an angel to appear as proof of your angelic contact. Here are a few common angel signs.
Clouds You may see angels in cloud formations, especially over sacred sites or when you have asked for angelic assistance. Sometimes you will see clouds that resemble feathers.
Flowers Many people find that their flowers last longer on their angelic alter. One sudent of angel lore found that her roses lasted months and, after an especially profound encounter, one of the roses changed colour.
Feathers White feathers may appear in the most unlikely of places. When you have found your white feather, carry it around with you to keep your angel close. Once, when I was teaching an angel seminar, I mentioned that white feathers are a common angel sign. After the talk a woman in the seminar said that despite what she had heard she was not convinced of the existence of angels. Just at that moment, one of the other students noticed a pure white feather stuck to the sleeve of her cardigan.
Words Often after you have asked for angelic help you will hear the word angel mentioned in a song on the radio or on television, or someone will say the word to you in an unlikely context.
Crystals Angels can suddlenly appear in your crystals. They appear in angelic crystals such as Celestite, Seraphinite or Danburite, but frequently an angel form will manifest itself in your Clear Quartz crystal after you start reaching out to the angelic realm.
Angelic gifts Many affordable angelic gifts are availale today, such as little angel pins, glass angels, angel fridge magnets, angel sprinkles (to put inside greetings cards), angel stickers and angel worry stones. If you recieve one unexpectantly from someone, you can be sure the angels have guided them to give it to you as proof of their pressence. Read more
Clouds You may see angels in cloud formations, especially over sacred sites or when you have asked for angelic assistance. Sometimes you will see clouds that resemble feathers.
Flowers Many people find that their flowers last longer on their angelic alter. One sudent of angel lore found that her roses lasted months and, after an especially profound encounter, one of the roses changed colour.
Feathers White feathers may appear in the most unlikely of places. When you have found your white feather, carry it around with you to keep your angel close. Once, when I was teaching an angel seminar, I mentioned that white feathers are a common angel sign. After the talk a woman in the seminar said that despite what she had heard she was not convinced of the existence of angels. Just at that moment, one of the other students noticed a pure white feather stuck to the sleeve of her cardigan.
Words Often after you have asked for angelic help you will hear the word angel mentioned in a song on the radio or on television, or someone will say the word to you in an unlikely context.
Crystals Angels can suddlenly appear in your crystals. They appear in angelic crystals such as Celestite, Seraphinite or Danburite, but frequently an angel form will manifest itself in your Clear Quartz crystal after you start reaching out to the angelic realm.
Angelic gifts Many affordable angelic gifts are availale today, such as little angel pins, glass angels, angel fridge magnets, angel sprinkles (to put inside greetings cards), angel stickers and angel worry stones. If you recieve one unexpectantly from someone, you can be sure the angels have guided them to give it to you as proof of their pressence. Read more