During youth or at some spiritual moment in our adult life we may question do angels exist?

Maybe as a child we heard angels mentioned in nativity plays or as adults during difficult times we may often contemplate the possibility that a guardian angel had watched over us

Whatever our intake on the existance our beliefs are what see us through in life. We may know someone whom whole heartedly believes in them yet we are a total sceptic, thats ok! atleast you are here and willing to see through the eyes and beliefs of others that angels exist

Angels of the Rays..............

In some writings on sacred angelic lore, the seven archangels represent the seven rays of spiritual enlightenment and the seven colours of the rainbow. The seven rays are also correlated to the seven mastar chakras. Once you are attuned to the "Angels of the Rays" and have developed sensitivity to the chakra centres you will have balalnced your own energy levels, gained spiritual insight and be able to offer healing to others.

Chakras Centres of subtle energy, the chakras are vitally important for your physical and emotional well-being as well as your spiritual growth. Each chakra is associated with specific organs and endocrine glands. Chakras process subtle energy and convert it into chemical, hormonal and cellular changes in the body. Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency, colour and on a different musical note, and has either male or female polarity. The Crown, Throat, Solar plexus and Root Chakras are male (positive); the Third Eye, Heart and Sacral Chakras are female (negative).

The seven master chakras are on the centre of the body with the first five embedded within the spinal column. The Root Chakra opens downwards and the Crown Chakra opens upwards. The other five open from the front to the back of the body.

Light and Colour
Colour is a universal language that bypasses the logical mind and speaks directly to the soul. Each of the seven major visible colours has therapeutic qualities that can be linked through their resonance to the seven master chakras.

Ancient Knowledge Light therapy, chromotherapy (colour therapy) and hydrochromatic therapy (colour tinctures) are ancient forms of natural healing. The coloured rays affect our physical bodies, emotions, moods mental faculties and spiritual nature. We all have an intimate relationship with colour. Sometimes we give ourselves a subconscious colour treatment by choosing jewellery or clothes of a certain colour, or by surrounding ourselves with specific colour vibrations in our homes, offices and gardens.

Mostly our reactions are unconscious, and it is only when we start to use the magical signatures of colour in an informed and enlightened way that we can harness this wonderful vital force to improve the quality of our lives and our overall sense of harmony, balance and total well-being. Read More