Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel
Colour Indigo Focus Intuition and insight
Chakra Third Eye (ajna_ - element of avyakta (primordial cloud of undiffererentiated light) - balance expressed as intuition, clairvoyance, clairaud
ience, clairsentience
Indigo is the sixth ray of the physical visible rainbow spectrum and the fourth dimension transmuting ray of the Throat Chakra. It is a key to the development of latent physic abilities and aids conscious connection to the "spirit".
Raziel is the archangel of the secret mysteries, whose name means "the secret of God". He gives divine information by allowing us to glimpse the enigma that is God. this experience takes our consciousness beyond the confines of time, so any glimpses of this level of existence will show past , present and future as the eternal now. According to sacred lore, Archangel Raziel stands daily on Mount Horeb, proclaiming the secrets of men to all mankind.
Raziel's knowledge is total, absolute, unequivocal and perfect. When we recieve these amazing "insights" we need no confirmation of our "understanding" from others. Our Crown Chakra is opened, the flames of enlightment descend, and we can transcend normal reality. These encounters with raziel can seem extreme to our friend, family, work colleagues and even society in general, but once you have sure and certain knowledge of the wo
rkings of the Divine nothing will ever be the same again!
Physical associations Parts of the body: pituitary gland, skeleton, lower brain, eyes and sinuses.
Strongest painkiller of the rainbow spectrum. Releases negativit
y from the skeletal structure. Kills bacteria in food, water and air. Clears pollution on all levels. Ameliorates chronic sinus complaints. Eases insomnia, bronchit
is, asthma and lung conditions. Breaks up tumours and growths. Helps ease kidney complaints, controls diarrhoea. Lowers high blood pressure. Ameliorates back problems, especially sciatica, lumbago and any spinal complaint. Indigo can be addictive since it offers relief from every day problems and experiences.
Emotional and mental associations Sedates the con
scious mind which acts as a tranquillizer to the emotions. Creates internal communication. Helps you focus on personal issues - self-awareness, self-understanding and self-knowledge. It is used to treat obsession and all forms of emotional instability.
Spiritual associations Astral antiseptic, clears negative thought forms. allows subtle impressions to be registered, aids telepathic abilities, intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience. Increases spiritual knowledge. Indigo is the domain of mystery and psychic understanding; it is the ray of artists and also the acting profession. Read more