During youth or at some spiritual moment in our adult life we may question do angels exist?

Maybe as a child we heard angels mentioned in nativity plays or as adults during difficult times we may often contemplate the possibility that a guardian angel had watched over us

Whatever our intake on the existance our beliefs are what see us through in life. We may know someone whom whole heartedly believes in them yet we are a total sceptic, thats ok! atleast you are here and willing to see through the eyes and beliefs of others that angels exist

Angelic Signs and Calling Cards

Sometime angels manifest their pressence in ways that anyone can see. You can ask an angel to appear as proof of your angelic contact. Here are a few common angel signs.

Clouds You may see angels in cloud formations, especially over sacred sites or when you have asked for angelic assistance. Sometimes you will see clouds that resemble feathers.

Flowers Many people find that their flowers last longer on their angelic alter. One sudent of angel lore found that her roses lasted months and, after an especially profound encounter, one of the roses changed colour.

Feathers White feathers may appear in the most unlikely of places. When you have found your white feather, carry it around with you to keep your angel close. Once, when I was teaching an angel seminar, I mentioned that white feathers are a common angel sign. After the talk a woman in the seminar said that despite what she had heard she was not convinced of the existence of angels. Just at that moment, one of the other students noticed a pure white feather stuck to the sleeve of her cardigan.

Words Often after you have asked for angelic help you will hear the word angel mentioned in a song on the radio or on television, or someone will say the word to you in an unlikely context.

Crystals Angels can suddlenly appear in your crystals. They appear in angelic crystals such as Celestite, Seraphinite or Danburite, but frequently an angel form will manifest itself in your Clear Quartz crystal after you start reaching out to the angelic realm.

Angelic gifts Many affordable angelic gifts are availale today, such as little angel pins, glass angels, angel fridge magnets, angel sprinkles (to put inside greetings cards), angel stickers and angel worry stones. If you recieve one unexpectantly from someone, you can be sure the angels have guided them to give it to you as proof of their pressence. Read more

Sensing the Presence of Angels

As people become consciously aware of angels, the veil between our world and theirs becomes thinner. You do not need to be clairavoyant or physic to experience angelic contact. It is also important to remember that angels actually wish to communicate with you, they seek daily communication.
Angels are obedient divine beings who obey cosmic law. It is their duty to give freely of themselves, as an outpouring of their divine essence of love and light. Angelic assistance is always available, all you have to do is ask.
Most people never actually see an angel, but they are aware of their angels's pressence. Angels can be percieved by any of the human senses. Here are some ways in which you may become aware of the pressence of angels:

The atmosphere of the room suddenly changes, you feel surrounded by a warm glow. The air tingles artound you or you feel a rush of energy down your spine.

A beautiful fragrance suddenly fills the room. This sweet perfume is described in different ways - as the aroma of summer flowers or sweet myrrh.

You experience a particular taste sensation, often sweet - the taste of heavenly ambrosia. Alternatively, you hear an ethereal sound, angelic music is often associated with healing and renewal.

You have feelings of love and an overwhelming sense of deep peace.

Coloured lights appear from nowhere. Shafts of brilliant light or even spheres of colour dance in front of your eyes, especially when you are working with the healing angels or when drifting off to sleep.

During angelic meditation sessions you experience a dazzlingly bright light in front of you, even when your eyes are closed.

You feel the pressence of angels wings brushing against you or enfolding you, or even angelic hands touching you on your shoulder.

In meditation many people experience the "angelic breeze" which is like a warm summer wind gently ruffling your hair. Some say that it is the angels uplifting the thousand - petal lotus flower (the symbol of the Crown Chakra).

You may become aware of an increase in the numbers of coinincidences that occur in your life. Or your problems seem to solve themselves - sometimes in the most unexpected ways.
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Declutter your life

To make room in your life for angels, you need to clear your home of all clutter. Clear away your unwanted possesions, give them to charity or recycle them. Clean and freshen your home on all levels. Opem windows daily to let out stale energy - it will be cleansed and rendered harmless by natural daylight. Use sound to break up stagnent energy, a crsystal singing bowl, bells, gongs, ting-shaws (small Tibetan cymbals), rattles or drums are useful for this. Clapping your hands together is also an effective way of breaking up stagnent energy - especially in the corners of a room. Use angelic music to raise the vibration. Remeber, the quickest way to open your Heart Chakra is with beautiful music. Check all areas of your home for any objects that are less than uplifting - clearing out your physical junk helps to clear your mind. Old furniture and especially second-hand jewellery needs extra cleansing, use incense and allow the smoke to carry away unwanted vibrations - remeber to leave a window open as an exit route for stale energy. Discard Clothing you have not worn in the last two years, especially clothes that no longer fits you or looks drab. If you buy second-hand or vintage clothes, remeber to have them cleaned thoroughly before wearing them. Avoid people and places that drag your energy down. Once you can hold your higher angelic vibration you will be able to help others and raise their vibration just through your pressence. Read more

Raising your Vibrational Rate

The first and most important step in making a strong connection with the angelic realm is to purify yourself and your enviroment. The reason for this may not at first seem obvious to you, but angels exsist at a higher vibrational frequency of which most humans are unaware. This is because angels live in the world of spirit (subtle energy) and humans exsist in the physical world of the five senses. Angels are naturally attracted to people who have a harmonious higher state of consciousness. Read more

Reconciling Heaven and Earth

When we invite angels into our lives, we evolve spiritually by reuniting Heaven and Earth within. Angels await our call, they are longing to help us in everything we do in this life and beyond. There is no task they cannot help us with, in fact angels are completly dedicated to helping humanity spiritually as well as in practical ways.

Angels are obedient to cosmic law, which means that they give of themselves unstintingly, and they are duty bound to direct the mystical love of God towards each one of us. They assist us in raising our own vibrational rate which ultimately helps to reunite us with our own God consciousness, which, once we have experienced it, is so transformative that there is no going back. Read more are you yet convinced that angels exist?

Why invite Angels into our life?

Our fascination with angels grows daily. Ordinary people talk openly about how angels have helped them, stories of angelic intervention abound and inspirational artwork is everywhere to make us ask if angels do really exist. Interest in angels transcends language, cultures and boundaries.

Angels come in all forms, all shapes and sizes, and all colours. Some are complex (me - :-)) and powerful beings, dealing in the secret mysteries that underpin the very foundation of the universe.

Why are so many ordinary people inviting angels into their daily lifes? Perhaps angels are more evident because people are waking from the spell of materialism.Read more

Do Angels have wings?

Most people are familiar with angels through religeous art where they are depicted as perfect beings, with flowing robes, long hair, halos and wings, but angels are pure spirit and therefore have no gross physical form. So where did the notion that angels have wings come from?
Several religeous sources list certain angels as having wings, Archangel Gabriel who dictated the Koran to Mohammed was described as having 140 pairs of wings. In the mystical Jewish texts 1 Enoch and 2 Enoch, there are also descriptions of angels with wings. Many cultures have depicted winged beings, while many myths, legends, statues and even cave paintings still exist of these miraculous creatures. Visionary accounts of heavenly messengers usually describe them as winged or appearing in a heavenly light. an Angel came down her eyes radiated innocence her smile so sweet and kind her beauty captivated mortals her mind so pure and divine Read more

Do angels exist

There are so many theories as regards Angels and their existence. Some believe that angels exist amongst us, others believe that angels are a greater supremacy that watch over us. As with anything in life it does not matter what beliefs we have but the pure fact that we have our beliefs is great. We should always hold fast to our beliefs no matter how bizarre they may appear to others. In this blog i will attempt to discuss the possibilities that Angels may exist. So if you believe in them or not this does not matter, allow your mind to explore and be open to others beliefs Read more