During youth or at some spiritual moment in our adult life we may question do angels exist?

Maybe as a child we heard angels mentioned in nativity plays or as adults during difficult times we may often contemplate the possibility that a guardian angel had watched over us

Whatever our intake on the existance our beliefs are what see us through in life. We may know someone whom whole heartedly believes in them yet we are a total sceptic, thats ok! atleast you are here and willing to see through the eyes and beliefs of others that angels exist

Green Ray........................

Archangel Raphael

Colour Emerald Green
Focus Healing and harmony
Chakra Heart (anahata) - element of air - balance expressed as unconditional love for ourselves and others

The fourth of the visible rainbow spectrum, the Green Ray influences the Heart Chakra on the physical level (third dimension), and is the transmuting ray for the Third Eye Chakra (fourth dimension). It is the fifth spiritual ray and is percieved as a shimmering emerald green, like the best-quality faceted emerald crystals.

Archangel Raphael is the healing aspect of the Lord. He is known as the physician of the angelic realm, the divine healer for healing ourselves and for helping to find the inner guidance, love, compassion, balance and inspiration to heal others.

Raphael is one of the seven ruling angels or princes. He is one of the only three angels recognised by the Christian Church, along with Michael and Gabriel. He is also known as the chief of the guardian angels, and patron of travellers. He is often depicted carrying a caduceus or a pilgrim carrying a staff in one hand and a bowl of healing balm in the other. As over-lighting angel of healing, Archangel Raphael has the capacity to guide us in all our healing work - whether orthodox or complementary.

Physical associations Green is the colour of nature and sits exactly in the middle of the colour spectrum. It equalizes, calms and relaxes. Encourages personal growth by bringing harmony. Keeps mental and physical energy dynamically balanced. Releases painful tensed-up processes. It is attuned to nature and the Devic kingdoms and is the ray of the great healers and healing. The Green Ray is used to heal tension headaches and migraines, gastric ulcers, digestive upsets, and all stress including extremely agitated emotional states. It helps ease heart, lung and thymus problems.

Emotional and mental associations Eases claustrophobia and feelings of restriction. Stabilizes the nervous system, soothes emotions, reduces mental confusion. Soothes all the senses. Aids development of healthy relationships with others.

Spiritual associations Develops divine vision, intuition and also insight through balance and harmony. Enhances creative visualization and manifestation techniques. Read More

Yellow Ray..................

Archangel Jophiel

Colour Yellow

Focus Wisdom

Chakra Solar Plexus (manipuraka) - element of fire - balance
expressed as logical thought processes, self-confidence and goal manifestation

The third ray of the visible rainbow spectrum, the Yellow Ray influences the Solar Plexus Chakra on the physical level (third dimension). It is the second spiritual ray and is percieved as orange-yellow moving through to pale gold, like the best quality crystals of Citrine.

Jophiel is the Archangel of Wisdom and works with the angels from the Halls of wisdom. His ray is often called the sunshine ray. His name means "Beauty of God".

Archangel Jophiels ray helps you develop a fresh approach to life, bringing back enchantment and pleasure. Jophiel builds connections to align you to your higher self through the multitude of dimensions; he can be thought of as a cosmic ladder. He can instantly help you recover soul fragments that may have been scattered by shock, fright or severe illness.

Jophiel's gifts include the wisdom flame, intuition, perception, joy, bliss and soul illumination. Invoke Jophiel when your creativity needs a boost to prevent feelings of low self-esteem, inertia or mental fog. He helps you absorb new information. His wisdom flame can be invoked to help you in any situation that needs clear mental perception, discrimination or inspiration.

Physical associations Parts of the body: spleen, middle stomach, nervous system, digestive system and skin.

Fortifies, brightens, tones, stimulates, and reinforces energy. Strengthens weak body processes. Breaks down cellulite and removes toxins. Renews your joie de vivre. Colour therapists use it to heal arthritis, joint stiffness and immobility.

Emotional and mental associations Mental agility and learning enhancement. Wisdom and intellectual stimulant. Concentration aid. Brings stable uplift, freedom, laughter and joy. Increases self-control. Raises self-esteem and brings feelings of total well-being. Stimulates conversation and can also enhance communication. Prevents shyness, gives courage. Prevents mental confusion.

Spiritual associations Brings soul illumination; strengthens the connection with the higher self, guides and angels. Assists in recovering soul fragments that have become detached through illness or depression. Read More

Orange Ray.................

Archangel Gabriel

Colour Orange

Focus Creativity - also used for dissolving fear

Chakra Sacral (svadhisthana) - element of water - balance expressed as vitality, creativity and originality.......

The second ray of the visible rainbow spectrum, the Orange Ray influences the Sacral Chakra on the physical level (third dimension). The Orange Ray is percieved as vermillion, moving from orange to orange-gold, like the best quality hessonite garnets.

Archangel Gabriel, the messenger, is one of the four great archangel. He is one of the only two angels (along with Archangel Michael) to be mentioned by name in the New Testament. The angel of the Annunciation, Gabriel announced the forthcoming birth of Jesus to mary, his mother, and was also present at Jesus' death as the angel who watched over the tomb and gave the good news of his ressurection to the disciples (although he was not specificaly mentioned by name). In Islam, Archangel Gabriel (Jibril) awakened Mohammed, the Prophet of God, and dictated the Koran to him. It is said that the Archangel Gabriel inspired Joan of Arc. Gabrie's colour is white when used as the transmuting (transforming) fourth - dimensional ray of the Root Chakra.

Physical associations Parts of the body: lower back, lower intestines, abdomen and the kidneys. Governs the adrenal function. Aids digestion. Ameliorates bronchitis and asthma. Useful during the menopause. Balances hormones and aids fertility. Very motivating, balances body energy levels, increases vitality, works more gently than red by building up energy step by step. Unlocks deadlocked processes. Eases constipation.

Emotional and mental associations Ameliorates grief, eases bereavement and loss. Enhances creativity, optimism and a view of life that is positive. Helps ease fears and phobias. Releases the fear of experiencing pleasure.

Spiritual associations Stimulates joyfulness, which is spiritually uplifting. Read More

Ruby Ray...............

Archangel Uriel

Colour Ruby Red

Focus Spiritual devotion through selfless service to others

Chakra Root (muladhara) - element of earth - balance expressed as grounded, stable and reliable

Ruby Ray is the sixth ray of spiritual light and the first ray of the visible rainbow spectrum. It influences the Root Chakra on the physical level (third demension) and is the transmuting (transforming) ray of the Solar Plexus chakra (fourth demension). The Ruby Ray is percieved as deep red, moving through to deep purple with flecks of gold, just like the best quality fine ruby crystals.

Uriels name means "Fire of God" or "Light of God". One of the most powerful archangels, Uriel is the "Angel of the presence" and is able to reflect the unimaginable light that is God. He is associated with electricity, lightening, thunder and sudden action and is often depicted holding a scroll (which contains information on your life-path) or carrying a staff.

The Light of god, transmitted by Uriel, gives us illumination. This illumination is vital for those who feel they have lost their way, so the Ruby Ray should be used whenever we feel lost, abandoned, fearful, forsaken, rejected, suicidal or dissipated.

Physical associations Parts of the body: genitals and reproductive organs; regulates adrenalin release into the bloodstream; blood; circulation; muscles; feet; legs, knees, hips. Detoxifies the body by removing inertia. Warming. Increases physical energy and stops debilitation. Strengthens the ability to listen to the wisdom of the body. Do not use for red angry conditions such as high blood pressure, swellings, inflammation, agitation, hyperactivity, fever, ulcers.

Emotional and mental associations Activates, vitalizes, signifies and arouses lust, desire and amour. Releases energy blocks deep within the system. Brings action, life-force, courage, stamina and endurance. Gives a new boost to processes that have been sluggish or stagnant. Survival issues reduced, restores the will to live. Dynamic, removes fear. Releases self-obsessive behaviour patterns.

Spiritual associations Teaches mastery of the material world, helps human beings connect with divine order to bring harmony and world peace. ♥ Brings spirituality into our everyday lives. Read More

Angels of the Rays..............

In some writings on sacred angelic lore, the seven archangels represent the seven rays of spiritual enlightenment and the seven colours of the rainbow. The seven rays are also correlated to the seven mastar chakras. Once you are attuned to the "Angels of the Rays" and have developed sensitivity to the chakra centres you will have balalnced your own energy levels, gained spiritual insight and be able to offer healing to others.

Chakras Centres of subtle energy, the chakras are vitally important for your physical and emotional well-being as well as your spiritual growth. Each chakra is associated with specific organs and endocrine glands. Chakras process subtle energy and convert it into chemical, hormonal and cellular changes in the body. Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency, colour and on a different musical note, and has either male or female polarity. The Crown, Throat, Solar plexus and Root Chakras are male (positive); the Third Eye, Heart and Sacral Chakras are female (negative).

The seven master chakras are on the centre of the body with the first five embedded within the spinal column. The Root Chakra opens downwards and the Crown Chakra opens upwards. The other five open from the front to the back of the body.

Light and Colour
Colour is a universal language that bypasses the logical mind and speaks directly to the soul. Each of the seven major visible colours has therapeutic qualities that can be linked through their resonance to the seven master chakras.

Ancient Knowledge Light therapy, chromotherapy (colour therapy) and hydrochromatic therapy (colour tinctures) are ancient forms of natural healing. The coloured rays affect our physical bodies, emotions, moods mental faculties and spiritual nature. We all have an intimate relationship with colour. Sometimes we give ourselves a subconscious colour treatment by choosing jewellery or clothes of a certain colour, or by surrounding ourselves with specific colour vibrations in our homes, offices and gardens.

Mostly our reactions are unconscious, and it is only when we start to use the magical signatures of colour in an informed and enlightened way that we can harness this wonderful vital force to improve the quality of our lives and our overall sense of harmony, balance and total well-being. Read More


Devas are more evolved than the elementals and they often work with humans, especially as guardians of sacred sites and ancient groves. They can also be found dwelling in beautiful Clear Quartz crystals. If you are fortunate enough to find a Devic Temple crystal, it will become a great source of information. These crystals have a vibratory signature that allows us to access information for bringing Heaven and Earth together. They teach us to raise not only our own frequency but that of others and of the Earth. The devas who dwell in quartz crystals can teach you about healing, both personal and planetary. Read More


Salamanders are fire spirits who guard the secrets of transformational fire energy. They are found in large numbers around volcanoes. Fire spirits teach us about the dynamic energy of our life-force, the spark of divine fire that resides in every one of us. This force calls us daily towards the light and awakens us from our slumber. Fire purifies, burns and destroys the old so that the new may emerge. Creative fire teaches us spiritual fortitude. The lightening flash, the ultimate fire, brings unprecedented spiritual growth and soul illumination. Read More


Undines and mermaids are water spirits who rule over the water and tend to the creatures that dwell within this realm. Water spirits teach us to cleanse and balance our emotions. They teach us to go with the flow by following the path of least resisitance. Water can take on any shape, it is often difficult to contain and is sometimes enormously powerful. The water spirits have a great deal to teach us about adapting to diffierent situations without losing our basic receptivity.

The medium of water is receptive and carries the messages of the areas it has passed through. Water has many hidden messages and will become increasingly crucial to hummanity in the years to come. Read More


Fairies, eleves, gnomes and goblins are earth spirits and rule over the flowers plants, tress, soil, sand and crystals. Earth is the least dynamic and most static of the four basic elements. Earth spirits teach us how to nourish ourselves and live in abundance as co-creators in balance and harmony. This means living responsibly with regard to life on the planet. By focusing on the powerful energy that flows around us, we bring stability and abundance to every area of our lives. Tree and plant spirits, as our ancestors knew, have the power to heal all our ills if we choose to work with them. Simply find a tree that feels harmonious and welcoming and ask to work with its spirit essence. Read More

Elemental Kingdom............

The children of the angels are the magical nature spirits who create abundance and balance on the Earth when they are honoured and appreciated. They often appear as coloured lights or swirling mists. Nature spirits help us understand the rhythms of nature, and our place within the world. The elementals work closely with the angels of sacred sites to help us understand what our ancestors knew instinctively .......the importance of the correlations between the phases of the Moon, the tides and the seasons.

Our planet is a living being that is also evolving through the lives of the creatures she nourishs. The planetary angels, devas and other nature spirits help the Earth through all her stages of growth from the very beginning. Read More

5 Steps To Attract Angels.................

Follow these simple steps to help attract angelic autumn energy into your life:

  • Light some coloured candles. The autumn angels are particularly drawn to golds, reds and warm brown tones.

  • The angels love nature, so place some autumnal flowers, such as chrysanthemums, around your house to make them feel more welcome.

  • The autumn angels love the fairy folk who are also very busy at this time of year. You can draw them both nearer to you by buying or cooking some lovely autumn fruits. One of my favourite autumn recipes is a good old-fashioned apple and blackberry pie. I always put a little aside for the fairy folk, too.
  • Make a display of acorns, fir cones, nuts, seeds, bark and twigs in your home. These are all natural elements signifying the bounty of this beautiful season. By placing a display of these items on your angel altar, you will bring the angels' inspiration into your life every time that you meditate.

  • Call upon Michael, the archangel associated with autumn, to watch over you and those closest to you. Read more

Guardian Angels.............

Our guardian angel's task is to protect, guide and strengthen us against the forces of evil. Although these angels are the lowliest of the heavenly powers, they are still linked to the immense "planetary" angels. Our guardian angel is therefore our route to God.

We all have our own guardian angel who will never leave us. Our guardian angel is appointed to us whenn we first incarnate; they journey with us through all our incarnations, evolving as we evolve through a shared destiny.

A guardian's task is to channel as much angelic light towards us as possible to inspire us in the ways of righteousness and support us against the forces of negativity. They bring comfort in our hour of need and assist us throughout life. Some Christians believe everyone is born with a guardian angel, but if the person is baptized then their guardian's task is to bring them to God. Their guardian angel does this by praying constantly to God for their souls enlightenment. This is why guardian angels are sometimes called the "angels of prayer".

Most peoples first conscious contact with the angelic realm is through their guardian angel. This initial experience of an angelic pressence is often tangible in moments of acute spiritual or physical danger, in moments of grief, despair or illness, or of joyful inspiration.

Our guardian angel can never override our free will or help us if we chose to ignore the offered assistance. Freewill is a most sacred gift, which allows us to chose moment by moment whether we align our consciousness with good or evil. Some people feel their guardian angel is actually their higher self or, as in Buddhist teachings, it is our buddha-nature the divine spark within each individual. Read more

A match made in heaven ♥♥♥

If your longing for your soulmate, the angels can help to bring you together. Three archangels and a group of smaller cherubs, whom i call the Romance Angels, will help you find a wonderful mate. Why? Because they know that romance brings more love and light to earth!

Archangel Raphael ♥ is the patron saint of matchmaking, ever since he arranged the happy marriage of an Old Testament couple named Tobias and Sarah. Then there's Archangel Chamuel, who helps us find what we are seeking, and Archangel Raguel, the angel of harmonious relationships. The romantic cherubs I mentioned are there to inspire your flirtatious and playful side to attract love. Try saying this invocation daily:

"Archangel Raphael, Chamuel and Raguel, I call upon you now. Thank you for preparing me for my soulmate relationship, including giving me the motivation to make healthy life changes. Thank you for orchestrating me meeting my soulmate, and helping us to connect on a deeply meaningful level. Thank you for bringing romantic love into my life, now and for ever. And so it is!"

This will inspire intuition, the divine guidance the angels give you to help you meet your soulmate. Be sure to notice and follow any strong hunches, because these feelings will lead you to your romantic patnership. Read more

What is Empathy? ♥♥♥

What is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to read and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others, voluntarily or involuntarily of one's empath capacity. Empaths have the ability to scan another's psyche for thoughts and feelings or for past, present, and future life occurrences. Many empaths are unaware of how this actually works, and have long accepted that they were sensitive to others.

Empaths Sense Deep Emotions

Empathy is a feeling of another's true emotions to a point where an empath can relate to that person by sensing true feelings that run deeper than those portrayed on the surface. People commonly put on a show of expression. This is a learned trait of hiding authentic expression in an increasingly demanding society.

An empath can sense the truth behind the cover and will act compassionately to help that person express him/herself, thus making them feel at ease and not so desperately alone.

Empaths experience empathy towards family, children, friends, close associates, complete strangers, pets, plants and inanimate objects. Empathy is not held by time or space. Thus, an empath can feel the emotions of people and things at a distance. Some are empathic towards animals (ie: The Horse Whisperer), to nature, to the planetary system, to mechanical devices or to buildings etc. Others will have a combination of the above.

Empaths Have Deep Sense of Knowing

Empaths are highly sensitive. This is the term commonly used in describing one's abilities (sensitivity) to another's emotions and feelings. Empaths have a deep sense of knowing that accompanies empathy and are often compassionate, considerate, and understanding of others.

There are also varying levels of strength in empaths which may be related to the individualĂ­s awareness of self, understanding of the powers of empathy, and/or the acceptance or non-acceptance of empathy by those associated with them, including family and peers. Generally, those who are empathic grow up with these tendencies and do not learn about them until later in life.

Empathy is Inherited

Empathy is genetic, inherent in our DNA, and passed from generation to generation. It is studied both by traditional science and alternative healing practitioners. Empathy has both biological/genetic and spiritual aspects. Empaths often possess the ability to sense others on many different levels. From their position in observing what another is saying, feeling and thinking, they come to understand another. They can become very proficient at reading another personĂ­s body language and/or study intently the eye movements. While this in itself is not empathy, it is a side-shoot that comes from being observant of others. In a sense, empaths have a complete communication package.

How Empathy Works

While there is much we don't yet understand about how empathy works, we do have some information. Everything has an energetic vibration or frequency and an empath is able to sense these vibrations and recognize even the subtlest changes undetectable to the naked eye or the five senses.

Words of expression hold an energetic pattern that originates from the speaker. They have a specific meaning particular to the speaker. Behind that expression is a power or force-field, better known as energy. For example, hate often brings about an intense feeling that immediately accompanies the word. The word hate becomes strengthened with the speaker's feeling. It is that person's feelings (energy) that are picked up by empaths, whether the words are spoken, thought or just felt without verbal or bodily expression. Read more

From Christel Broederlow

Love without fear...................

The key to a happy, long-lasting relationship is to love without fear of being hurt. By letting go of our expectations - both positive and negative - we can open up to wonderful new opportunities. Listing 100 qualities you're looking for in a partner, then narrowing this down to your five must-haves. Read More.........

Make your wishes come true...............♥

Turn your dreams into realities with a little spiritual know-how....... Angel expert Doreen Virtue recommends the ancient religeous custom of "tilting", or giving, whether it's money, services, or objects. This sends a signal to the universe that you believe in abundance and are ready to recieve more of what you desire. For example, if you'd like some new clothes, start by giving away your old ones. The same also applies to love, furniture, time, respect.......♥Read More

A Day With The Angels..........

If you have often thought about connectiing with the angels but have never got round to it, or want to encourage a friend to be inspired by them, why not head along to one of the Angel Awareness Day events around the country on 10/10/10? Angel expert and author Dianna Cooper was inspired to create this special yearly worldwide celebration in 2002 to unite people of all cultures through the universal acceptance of angels. Events run by teachers from the Diana Cooper School are taking place in Pembrokeshire, Aberdeen and all over southern England to raise awareness of these magical beings of love and light, with group meditations, fun events and workshops. So if you need some angel healing, want to ask Archangel Michael to help you cut ties to whatever is holding you back in life, or you just want to feel uplifted...................♥Read More