During youth or at some spiritual moment in our adult life we may question do angels exist?

Maybe as a child we heard angels mentioned in nativity plays or as adults during difficult times we may often contemplate the possibility that a guardian angel had watched over us

Whatever our intake on the existance our beliefs are what see us through in life. We may know someone whom whole heartedly believes in them yet we are a total sceptic, thats ok! atleast you are here and willing to see through the eyes and beliefs of others that angels exist

The first heaven

Called Vilon (from the Latin velum meaning veil), the first heaven is also sometimes called Shamajim or Shamayim, a common word in the Bible for heaven. This is the lowest heaven and is associated with planetary angels and angels that rule the stars and natural phenomena such as atmosphere, wind and water. The first heaven is ruled by Archangel Gabriel and is said to be the paradise where Adam and Eve first dwelt, and where the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge grow. Read more to help you decide if Angels exist

The Seven Heavens

Although angels exist in every dimension, they are traditionally thought to inhabit seven heavens, a belief that is integral to the monotheistic religious traditions - Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The seventh heaven is where God dwells. But the tradition of seven heavens goes back some 7,000 years to Sumeria. On an ancient Sumerian stele, a winged being - an inhabitant of the seven heavens - is depicted pouring "the water of life" into the king's cup. The Sumerian civilization of Mesopotamia gave birth to the Assyrian, Babylonian and Chaldean civilizations, which in turn influenced all Near Eastern religeons and angelology.

The seven heavens are the spiritual realms. Many of the names of the seven heavens are found in the Old Teatament and are derivatives of the word "heaven". Read more



Pen and paper or computer


  1. Have pen and paper ready or sit at your computer. Formulate your questions by writing them down.

  2. Make yourself relaxed and comfortable. Centre, ground and focus yourself.

  3. Calm your mind, open your heart and summon your guardian angel.

  4. Ask your guardian angel to open a harmonious channel for you.

  5. Write down what is given to you (without changing or censoring it in any way).

  6. Note that you will carry more light in your personal energy field at the end of a session - spiritual information is always encoded in light. Read more

Channelling Messages from the Angels

Angels are the invisible power of creation, and our guardian angel is our first link to this invisible world. Our guardian angel's task is to teach and guide us. They help us build on the knowledge we have already acquired by other means. They link information together and help us discover the underlying patterns and fundamental insights of God's creation. Angelic revelation can come in a dream or the waking moment immediatly after a dream, but channelling is a more direct route to angelic inspiration.

It is important to establish a strong loving personal friendship with your guardian angel, based on trust and mutual respect. This helps you to build and identify with your own angelic consciousness. Once you have suitably raised your vibrational rate by uniting with your guardian angel it is easy to channel other angelic beings.

Your guardian angel's tone is always loving and supporting. All angels, without exception, respect our dignity and free will. Your angels will never sound authoritarian or commanding or make choices for you. If the tone of what you are channelling is ever less than respectful, or at any time you feel yourself taken over or controlled by any outside force, you should immediately stop your connection with this energy.

There is always a direct link between you and your guardian angel and you may be so familiar with its energy that you may not realize you have already been recieving its guidance. This is why your guardian angel is a good source to the world of channelling. Read more

The spiritual path

Each of these angelic temples do have a different focus, function and purpose which will help you on your evoluntionary path. This path is also sometimes known as Jacob's ladder, the Ladder of Light, the Tree of Life, ascension into cosmic consciousness or return to paradise.
The spiritual focus of each temple relates to a "cosmic virtue" which each archangel enshrines. When spiritual seekers visit a temple during meditation or sleep they are "nourished" and inspired by that particular cosmic vitue.
Each "Temple of Light" has a different appearance. Some are like angels Greek temples with many gracefully carved stone columns, similar to the Parthenon, while other temples resemble stone pyramids or other sacred buildings that have existed/exist throughout the history of mankind. Temples of Light are always exquisite; their marble or crystal floors hold a central altar where a flame burns of the colour that archangel has as its focus. Read more to determin for your self if angels exist

Temples of light

Dreams are an excellent way of working with angels. During your slepp your spirit travels to the higher or lower astral realms. If you are plagued by nightmares, your spirit goes to the lower astral regions. Our thoughts, words and actions create our level of consciousness. By focusing on positive human virtues, we are able to raise our vibrational rate which banishes nightmares and allows us to visit the spiritual homes of the archangels.

Each archangel angel has a temple "anchored" in the etheric realm (our physical world where our bodies serve as vechicles for our souls), which lies within the influence of the Earth's planetary grid. This is the earth's subtle energy field, very much like the system of ley lines. Angelic temples are normally situated over the Earth's power vortexes, where many ley lines cross , or over remote mountain ranges or small islands that are the remains of larger islands or land masses. They can also be situated over sacred sites on Earth, such as the Egyptian temple at Luxor or at Fatima in portugal where the Virgin Mary appeared to three children during the First World War.
Angels Exist!

Mystics, initiates and "spiritual masters" have used these temples since the dawn of human civilization. They were established by the "spiritual Heirachy" (made up of ascended souls such as Ascended Masters, saints and Bodhisattvas who oversee the spiritual evolution of humanity) under the guidance of angels. Read more

Angelic Talents

Angels give us magical gifts and have inspired composers, poets, artists, musicians, writers, teachers and healers. Often the recipient has no previous desire for the talent! The only thing recipients of these "gifts" have in common is that they are conscious of an external heavenly source for their abilities.

There are many examples of muscians being inspired by angels. They hear the celestial music and capture the sounds to be played on human instruments and sung by human voices.

The gifted English religeous poet Caedmon, who died sometime between 670 and 680 CE, was a humble labourer at Whitby Abbey when he was inspired in a dream not only to sing a hymn he had never heard before, but also to remember every detail of the hymn he had sung in his dream.

Angels Exist!
Composer Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) relied on the angels to inspire him. He claimed that his great oratorio The Creation came from above. Composer Gearge Frederick Handel (1685-1759) was also inspired from above; his famous Messiah - composed in only 24 days, during which time he hardly ate or slept - was due to a vision from God. Read more

The Angelic Gratitude Book

Counting your blessings is a sure-fire way of raising your vibrational rate. Do you give out positive energy that others find charismatic and uplifting, or do people avoid you because you moan over every little problem?

Positive thoughts, emotions and words strengthen our energy field, raise our vibrational rate and attract angelic light. Negative thoughts, emotions and words weaken our energy field, while reliving negative events intensifies our emotions and makes holes in our aura that attract parasitic or dark energy.

Many people who work with the angelic realm keep a daily record of all the positive things that happen in their life - this becomes their gratitude book. Make or buy a notebook especially for this purpose; you can customize a plain notebook with angelic images that you find uplifting.
Angels Exist!
In your gratitude book make a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life - such as your family, friends and loved ones. Record every moment of joy, a beautiful sunset, the perfume of flowers, or even something as simple as a compliment from a friend. Read more

Angels...The following steps...........

will help you to integrate the impressions:

1 Thinking about your experience brings it into the mental body - the Solar Plexus Chakra.

2 Turning your experience into images brings it into the emotional body - the Heart Chakra.

3 Talking about your experience with another person anchors it in the physical body via the
Throat Chakra.

4 Writing down your experiences for future reference (including drawing images) anchors it in
the Sacral Chakra.

Each step takes time and takes you a step away from the actual experience, but a great deal of genuine clairvoyance ends up as illusion if not fully grounded in the physical realm. By recording your experiences in writing, you ground them in the here and now. Angels exist!

Do not be overly concerned if you cannot fully understand the experience right away; fragmentary information often occurs in subsequent meditations. Some experiences may make no sense to you for weeks, months or even years, so your journal becomes a special way of assimilating and accumulating understanding. Never be concerned with your spelling or writing style; allow yourself literary freedom. Read more

Your Angelic Journey

Personal experience and essential wisdom can dissipate like a dream unless they are written do wn. Keeping an angelic journal is an effective way of recording your magical angelic journey; it is unique to you and can become a tangible force that attracts even more angelic energy into your life.

Chose any notebook that you find beautiful, one that you will treasure for the rest of your life. You could customize a plain notebook with angel pictures.

Angels exist!
You could use your angelic journal for many things: to record loving or inspirational messages, poems or sayings; and to keep images of angels, loved ones or people you find inspirational. You could also use it to record your dreams, visions and meditations.

It is not always easy to make time to write down each meditation experience, but angelic encounters in meditation, though inspirational, can be disorientationg. After each meditation, allow yourself time to assimilate what you have learned. Write down your experiences, however fragmented, vague or nebulous they may seem to you. Enter fully into the experience with all your senses. Read more

Angels Exist in everyday life

The first rule of working with angels is to understand that they are here to help us in every sphere of our lives; however, angelic help can never be abused. If you wish to use angelic energy for selfish reasons or if you use the angels as a commodity to bolster your ego, be warned that nothing good will come of it, as nothing will happen it is as if they do not exist. There are specific angels for various aspects of everyday life.

Angels of love These angels are directed by Archangel Chamuel and specialize in making your daily life more harmonious. No task is too small or too large for these angels and they will help in any situation that requires heartfelt communication.

Angels of healing As one of the principle angels of healing, Archangel Raphael has the capacity to guide all healers, orthodox and complementary. Invoke his assistance to guide the hands of physicians, surgeons and complementary medicine practioners. Invoke his presence in hospitals, hospices and clinics. Invoke his presence to heal the rift between nations, on the battlefield or in areas where there have been natural or manmade disasters. Invoke his presence to guide research scientists as they search for new cures for diseases.

Travelling angels These angels directed by Archangel Michael, will offer protection from physical dangers. Visualize Archangel Micahel around you with travel.

Parking space angels As you set out on your journey ask the parking space angel to help you find a safe parking place.

Kitchen angel If you ask the angels to do assisit you in all your creative endeavours you may find the turn up in the most unexpeacted places. Ask the angel Isda to bless your food, making it more nutritious and delicious.

Angel of lost objects Losing your keys, jewellery or important documents is stressful. Immediately ask the angel Rochel to assist you in finding the lost object.

Exam angels Ask Archangel Jophiel and the angels of illumination to help you study and pass your exams. They can also help you absorb new skills and offer illumination and wisdom to fuel your creativity. Angels Exist!

How to chose an angel card

  • Pick a card at the beginning of each day. Spend a moment focusing on your day ahead and see which angel card attracts your attention. Keep your card with you or place it where it will be clearly visible to you throughout the day.

  • Chose a card just before you go to sleep, slip it under your pillow and let the angels inspire your dreams.

  • Chose a card at the beginning of any new project, venture or cycle, and on your birthday or anniversary.

  • At New Year chose 12 cards for the coming year - one for each month - and make a note of each card on your calendar.

  • Chose an angel card for a friend who needs help. Focus on your friend's problem - healing, job interview or exams - and surround them in the angelic quality of the card.
Key words to get you started
Abundance, Acceptance, Balance, Beauty, Believing, Blessing, Commitment, Compassion, Confidence, Courage, Creativity, Delight, Empathy, Enthusiasm, Faith, Forgiveness, Freedom, Friendship, Generosity, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Honesty, Hope, Humour, Inspiration, Joy, Love, Patience, Peace, Purification, Sensitivity, Truth and Wisdom. Read more

Using Angel Cards

Angels cards are an excellent way to communicate with angels. Packs can be purchased from most New Age shops. They were originally designed to encourage individual creativity and to enhance interaction in relationships. Angel cards provide positive key words that help you focus on a particular aspect of your inner life.
To enhance the experience of communicating with the angels, however, it is much more effective to make your own set of cards. It is not difficult and you do not have to be artistic. All you need is a pen and some stiff paper or card - preferalbly white on one side and coloured on the other.
You can stick some small shiny angel shapes onto the cards, which "dedicates" them to the angels. On the white side of the card write a positive quality that you wish to bring into your life. This is called a key word.
There is no definitive list of positive qualities associated with angels, so you can make as many cards as you like. You can also add to your cards as your understanding develops. Read more

Be guided by your Angels

It can be a valuable excercise to meditate on what items to include in your alter before you start, allowing your angels to guide you. What matters most about your alter is the way it affects your inner being. It should make you feel centered, loving and open to the angelic qualities of love, beauty, harmony and peace.

Experiment with the layout, if an item irritates or upsets you, or is less than inspiring, remove it. You could place crystals, angelic art, photographs of loved ones, shells, bells, incense, candles, flowers, essential oils, religious icons, angel cards, affirmation cards, wind-chimes, feathers or a small notebook and pencil on your altar.

Remember to place a representation of anything you want to bring into your life, such as love, spiritual wisdom, compassion, peace or abundance. Make sure you never leave unattended lit candles on your altar; ensure that the room is well ventilated as candles consume oxygen, which can lead to headaches or drowsiness. Read more

Creating an Angel Alter

An alter is an important link in establishing a powerful connection with the celestial realms. It is a tangible focus, a portal to serenity, somewhere you can still your mind and open your heart to the angels. It will quickly become your own sacred space, a sanctuary for your soul that is charged with harmonious energy, somewhere you can come to each day to seek renewal.
Creating an angelic alter offers valuable grounding to your spiritual transformation, providing an opportunity to explore your creativity, expressing yourself emotionally, artistically and spiritually. Angels are attracted to places of joy, harmony, love and peace.
Choose items for your alter that have been inspired by the angels through your meditation. Only include items that have meaning for you. These will help you become more mindful of the issues and challenges of the particular aspect of your life you are currently seeking to harmonize.
Once you have established a daily routine of attending your angelic alter - whether to clean, purify or reorganize it, or to change some of your sacred objects or light your candles - it will be much easier to include a set amount of time for meditative thought and prayer. Read more


Combat this "programming" by using angel affirmations:

  • Call on the angels and use their power to help de-programme yourself. You will see a change in your health, your behaviour, and your whole attitude to life.

  • Write out a positive affirmation for yourself. Make it as powerful and appropriate to you and your situation as possible.

  • Keep all your statements positive. As you say the affirmation, imagine or feel as if it has already happened.

  • Two good angelic affirmations are "I allow higher states of angelic awareness to manifest in my life" and "In blissful unification my angels guide me daily". Read more

Angel Affirmations

We can reinforce our angelic connection by asking angels to help us achieve our goals to motivate us to make our dreams come true. You may be surprised, however, at how dramatically different your wishes become once your consciousness merges with the angelic stream of love and light.
Before we call in the angels, we need to look at what affirmation is and to show you that it exists. We make positive or negative affirmations all day long. Our body belives every word we say. How many times during the day have you found yourself making a negative statement about yourself?
From an early age we are taught to use what linguists call normilization - a verb ( a doing or process word) being made into a noun (a static thing). For example, if you say you cannot handle a relationship, you are talking about a relationship as if it was a static physical thing, rather than talking about relating - a dynamic, active process of communication. The problem arises because the art of relating, when it is referred to as a relationship, is percieved as static and no responsibility is being taken for the active, continuing process of relating to another person. When someone systematically nominalizes, they restrict the choices they have because they are percieving the world in a fixed way.
Never underestimate the power of words to affect you deeply. Advertisers, religeous leaders, politicians and the media know this and bombard our sensory awareness with their messages. Read more to find out why angels exist and what they can do for you.

Purging anger

It is also effective to write to someone who has upset you or caused you pain. Since you are going to burn the letter after you have written it, there is no point in holding anything back. As you write to the person, tell them exactly how you feel. Anger initially prepares the body to correct injustice, but must be released. When it is not discharged, it solidifies and hardens into hatred. We must honour our emotions, but we also need to elevate our consciousness, which is a deliberate act of personal empowerment.
Sometimes we may refuse to forgive in order to punish. A simple way of releasing anger towards someone is to acknowledge what you are truly feeling ablout that person's behaviour,determin the emotions that exist, then consciously choose not to punish yourself for carrying this emotion. You can say out loud, " I now intend to release all my suffering over this situation". Then visualize the person you need to forgive surrounded in angelic light. Read more

Writing to your Angels

When you have problems, you can write to your angels. Open your heart, do not hold back your thoughts, and allow your feelings to pour onto the paper. Let go and ask the angels to resolve the problems to your highest good and the good of all. Leave it up to the angels. Do not try to manipulate the situation. You may be pleasantly surprised at the speed with which the problem is resolved, often in an unexpected way. Angels work in ways in which you would not even dream.
A simple way to purify your thoughts is to write down all your concerns, listing everything that makes you angry or causes you to behave in an unangelic way. Do not hold anything back, just keep writing, tell your angels what makes you fearful, disillusioned or disappointed. Emotions have an effect on healing and health. When we relive negative emotions, it causes a reaction that is percieved clairvoyantly as dark areas in the aura, which can develop into holes or tears if the negative event is relived many times. When you have finished do not read what you have written, burn the piece of paper. As you do so, feel the cleansing effect it has on your mind. Read more

Connecting to the higher self

Physical purification consisting of fasting and cleansing will improve our higher-self connection. Fasting should be undertaken for at least 24 hours (abstain from solid food but not liquids) Addictive foods and substances should also be avoided. Fasting relaxes the subtle-energy systems, and calms and focuses the mind.
Soothing herbal teas such as chamomile relax the body and mind, allowing heightened states of awareness to manifest. Purifying scented candlelit baths containing sea-salt, halite crystals, herbs, flower petals and aromatherapy oils profoundly open our hearts to spiritual beauty.
Controlling our ego (lower mind) - which is attached to self-aggrandizement and selfish thoughts - by counting our blessings daily also opens the doorway to the angelic realm. Meditation makes the lower mind the obedient servant of the higher self. Read more

Invoking Angels

Angels are God's celestial messengers. They are not our servants, but God's servants, so it is not appropriate to worship them. Even if they are awe-inspiring, remeber that they are a reflection of the perfection of God and it is this energy that opens our hearts in adoration.
Angels do not have free will as humans do, but respond to the call of God. Angels cannot interfere with our own free will. When we call upon angelic aid, we must do so from a place within ourselvesof love, humility, trust and clarity. As long as your request is positive and does not interfere with anyone elese's free will, and does not interfere with your life plan, then the angels will be able to answer your call.
In the past, mystics and saints spent many years mediatating, praying and fasting before they experienced major spiritual experiences. Today, because so many people are using meditation practice on a daily basis and the veil between our world and the world of spirit is becoming even thinner, we can move rapidly into the angelic realms.
It is easier to attune to the angelic consciousness if we prepare ourselves by connecting through our heart centre with our higher self. By using our higher consciousness as our guiding light, we can begin the necessary process of mental purification. Read more