When you have problems, you can write to your angels. Open your heart, do not hold back your thoughts, and allow your feelings to pour onto the paper. Let go and ask the angels to resolve the problems to your highest good and the good of all. Leave it up to the angels. Do not try to manipulate the situation. You may be pleasantly surprised at the speed with which the problem is resolved, often in an unexpected way. Angels work in ways in which you would not even dream.
A simple way to purify your thoughts is to write down all your concerns, listing everything that makes you angry or causes you to behave in an unangelic way. Do not hold anything back, just keep writing, tell your angels what makes you fearful, disillusioned or disappointed. Emotions have an effect on healing and health. When we relive negative emotions, it causes a reaction that is percieved clairvoyantly as dark areas in the aura, which can develop into holes or tears if the negative event is relived many times. When you have finished do not read what you have written, burn the piece of paper. As you do so, feel the cleansing effect it has on your mind. Read more