The first rule of working with angels is to understand that they are here to help us in every sphere of our lives; however, angelic help can never be abused. If you wish to use angelic energy for selfish reasons or if you use the angels as a commodity to bolster your ego, be warned that nothing good will come of it, as nothing will happen it is as if they do not exist. There are specific angels for various aspects of everyday life.
Angels of love These angels are directed by Archangel Chamuel and specialize in making your daily life more harmonious. No task is too small or too large for these angels and they will help in any situation that requires heartfelt communication.
Angels of healing As one of the principle angels of healing, Archangel Raphael has the capacity to guide all healers, orthodox and complementary. Invoke his assistance to guide the hands of physicians, surgeons and complementary medicine practioners. Invoke his presence in hospitals, hospices and clinics. Invoke his presence to heal the rift between nations, on the battlefield or in areas where there have been natural or manmade disasters. Invoke his presence to guide research scientists as they search for new cures for diseases.
Travelling angels These angels directed by Archangel Michael, will offer protection from physical dangers. Visualize Archangel Micahel around you with travel.
Parking space angels As you set out on your journey ask the parking space angel to help you find a safe parking place.
Kitchen angel If you ask the angels to do assisit you in all your creative endeavours you may find the turn up in the most unexpeacted places. Ask the angel Isda to bless your food, making it more nutritious and delicious.
Angel of lost objects Losing your keys, jewellery or important documents is stressful. Immediately ask the angel Rochel to assist you in finding the lost object.
Exam angels Ask Archangel Jophiel and the angels of illumination to help you study and pass your exams. They can also help you absorb new skills and offer illumination and wisdom to fuel your creativity. Angels Exist!