During youth or at some spiritual moment in our adult life we may question do angels exist?

Maybe as a child we heard angels mentioned in nativity plays or as adults during difficult times we may often contemplate the possibility that a guardian angel had watched over us

Whatever our intake on the existance our beliefs are what see us through in life. We may know someone whom whole heartedly believes in them yet we are a total sceptic, thats ok! atleast you are here and willing to see through the eyes and beliefs of others that angels exist

Orange Ray.................

Archangel Gabriel

Colour Orange

Focus Creativity - also used for dissolving fear

Chakra Sacral (svadhisthana) - element of water - balance expressed as vitality, creativity and originality.......

The second ray of the visible rainbow spectrum, the Orange Ray influences the Sacral Chakra on the physical level (third dimension). The Orange Ray is percieved as vermillion, moving from orange to orange-gold, like the best quality hessonite garnets.

Archangel Gabriel, the messenger, is one of the four great archangel. He is one of the only two angels (along with Archangel Michael) to be mentioned by name in the New Testament. The angel of the Annunciation, Gabriel announced the forthcoming birth of Jesus to mary, his mother, and was also present at Jesus' death as the angel who watched over the tomb and gave the good news of his ressurection to the disciples (although he was not specificaly mentioned by name). In Islam, Archangel Gabriel (Jibril) awakened Mohammed, the Prophet of God, and dictated the Koran to him. It is said that the Archangel Gabriel inspired Joan of Arc. Gabrie's colour is white when used as the transmuting (transforming) fourth - dimensional ray of the Root Chakra.

Physical associations Parts of the body: lower back, lower intestines, abdomen and the kidneys. Governs the adrenal function. Aids digestion. Ameliorates bronchitis and asthma. Useful during the menopause. Balances hormones and aids fertility. Very motivating, balances body energy levels, increases vitality, works more gently than red by building up energy step by step. Unlocks deadlocked processes. Eases constipation.

Emotional and mental associations Ameliorates grief, eases bereavement and loss. Enhances creativity, optimism and a view of life that is positive. Helps ease fears and phobias. Releases the fear of experiencing pleasure.

Spiritual associations Stimulates joyfulness, which is spiritually uplifting. Read More