During youth or at some spiritual moment in our adult life we may question do angels exist?

Maybe as a child we heard angels mentioned in nativity plays or as adults during difficult times we may often contemplate the possibility that a guardian angel had watched over us

Whatever our intake on the existance our beliefs are what see us through in life. We may know someone whom whole heartedly believes in them yet we are a total sceptic, thats ok! atleast you are here and willing to see through the eyes and beliefs of others that angels exist

Elemental Kingdom............

The children of the angels are the magical nature spirits who create abundance and balance on the Earth when they are honoured and appreciated. They often appear as coloured lights or swirling mists. Nature spirits help us understand the rhythms of nature, and our place within the world. The elementals work closely with the angels of sacred sites to help us understand what our ancestors knew instinctively .......the importance of the correlations between the phases of the Moon, the tides and the seasons.

Our planet is a living being that is also evolving through the lives of the creatures she nourishs. The planetary angels, devas and other nature spirits help the Earth through all her stages of growth from the very beginning. Read More