During youth or at some spiritual moment in our adult life we may question do angels exist?

Maybe as a child we heard angels mentioned in nativity plays or as adults during difficult times we may often contemplate the possibility that a guardian angel had watched over us

Whatever our intake on the existance our beliefs are what see us through in life. We may know someone whom whole heartedly believes in them yet we are a total sceptic, thats ok! atleast you are here and willing to see through the eyes and beliefs of others that angels exist

Angel Affirmations

We can reinforce our angelic connection by asking angels to help us achieve our goals to motivate us to make our dreams come true. You may be surprised, however, at how dramatically different your wishes become once your consciousness merges with the angelic stream of love and light.
Before we call in the angels, we need to look at what affirmation is and to show you that it exists. We make positive or negative affirmations all day long. Our body belives every word we say. How many times during the day have you found yourself making a negative statement about yourself?
From an early age we are taught to use what linguists call normilization - a verb ( a doing or process word) being made into a noun (a static thing). For example, if you say you cannot handle a relationship, you are talking about a relationship as if it was a static physical thing, rather than talking about relating - a dynamic, active process of communication. The problem arises because the art of relating, when it is referred to as a relationship, is percieved as static and no responsibility is being taken for the active, continuing process of relating to another person. When someone systematically nominalizes, they restrict the choices they have because they are percieving the world in a fixed way.
Never underestimate the power of words to affect you deeply. Advertisers, religeous leaders, politicians and the media know this and bombard our sensory awareness with their messages. Read more to find out why angels exist and what they can do for you.